Requirements for publishing of articles

1. The author’s materials – scientific articles, reviews, surveys, comments corresponding to the scientific specializations:

5. Social sciences and Humanities

5.1. Law

5.2. Economics

5.8. Pedagogy

2. Author(s) shall submit the required hardcopy of the document package and the similar electronic one to the editorial office:

— text of the article in the Russian or English languages (with translation), or any national language (with translation into Russian);

— author (or team of authors) questionnaire;

— application of the author regarding the right of use of the article in the peer reviewed journal;

— certificate from the place of study (for post-graduate students);

— report on the originality of the article (FULL REPORT) (the originality of the article must be at least 75%).

The package of documents is sent to the editorial office: — in electronic form to the e-mail address:



Editor's phone: +7 (902) 386-55-49

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: +7 (902) 314-79-73

Tel. reply. Secretary: +7 (902) 314-79-73


The following shall be included in the article in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission:

— UDC index (to be located at the top left-hand corner at the beginning of the scientific article);

— type of article ( original article, review article, editorial article, opinion article, personalia, editorial note, book review, article review, etc.);

— copyright protection mark, e.g. - © Vol`chik V. V., Shiryaev I. М., 2020;

— last name, name and patronymic in the Russian and English languages;

— scientific degree, academic rank, name and code of the scientific specialty (as per the range) of the dissertation research of the author in the Russian and English languages;

— department and educational institution shall be specified by the post-graduate students, doctoral student, external doctoral students, teachers of higher schools (master’s degree students shall specify specialty of training) in the Russian and English languages;

— position, place of work, city, and country in the Russian and English languages;

— e-mail;

— title of the article in the Russian and English languages (in capital letters, fonts TNR 16, center alignment);

— abstract in the Russian and English languages (fonts TNR 14, typeface — italics, full justification, minimum 200—250 characters without spaces);

— keywords in the Russian and English languages (10—12 words or phrases consisting of two-three words, comma separated, fonts TNR 14, typeface - italics, full justification);

— introduction that states urgency, feasibility of the subject working out, scientific novelty, goal and objectives of research, the study of the topic;

— main part. Main part of the article shall disclose the issues under consideration by means of analysis and synthesis, the ways of their resolution; shall justify received results and their confidence;

— methodology. This part shall describe sequence of research and justify selection of the used methods;

— results. This part takes main part of the scientific article; the author justifies the working hypothesis by means of generalization and data analysis. Research results shall be stated in brief; however, shall contain sufficient information for making conclusions;

— conclusion, findings. Conclusion shall contain summary of research results;

— references. References shall contain only the literature that quoted in the article.

Requirements to text execution

Text shall be types in MS Word format. Typeface is Times New Roman. Size of the main fonts is point size 14. Interline spacing for the text is single. Paragraph indenture is 1.25 and uniform along the entire text. Making indenture with the space bar and Tab key is not permitted. Page format is A4. Page margins (top, bottom, right, and left) shall amount to 2cm.

Text shall be types without syllabification; full justification shall be used. Words shall be split with one space. Lists (numbered, alphabetic and marked) shall be typed without using automatic formatting.

Formatting of mathematical formulas and alphabetic identifications of values shall be made in standard word processor for Word, in the word processor of formulas Microsoft Equation 3.0. The editorial board does not limit the number and complicacy of formulas. Formulas in hard copies shall be thoroughly checked by the author, who is responsible for them. Fonts shall be the same as the main text, Times New Roman; Latin letter shall be of italic type; Greece letters – direct lettering; Russian letters – direct lettering; matrix vector – bold. Sizes in mathematical word processor (in sequence): standard – 10 pt; large index – 8 pt; small index – 7 pt; large symbol – 16 pt; small symbol – 10 pt.

Illustrations (figures, diagrams) shall be placed in the text of the article and shall be done in one of the graphic editors (format tif, jpg in grey scale) in compliance with GOST 2.304–81, United System of Engineering Documentation ‘Drafting typefaces’. It is allowed to make and present diagrams made by means of spreadsheet processor ‘Excel’. Figures and photos shall be contrast. Diagrams, tables and figures shall be black-and-white, without color filling; cross-hatching is allowed.

Figure size shall not exceed 12cm breadthways; line thickness on figures shall be minimum 0.75 pt. Figures that include text, digital or letter marks shall be types with the fonts complying with the text; index shall be minimum 8 pt.

The figure number and name shall be placed at minimum 1cm under the figure frame.

Figures in the text of the article shall be also made separately in tif or jpg formats, shall be uniformly numbered and attached to the article electronic format.

Table shall be made in the following way: word Table shall be put in the top right-hand corner; table number shall be made with digits (if more than one); table name shall be made with capital letter and located at the table center. Cells content shall be centered. If table takes more than one page, the line with columns numbers shall be placed under the line with table heading on the first page; numbers shall be put from left to right; second and further pages of the table shall start with ‘Table continuation’ and the line with columns numbers shall be placed next. Tables taking less than one page shall not be split. Sizes of cells and the entire table shall be minimized as much as possible. Tables shall include units of measurements and tolerances. Tables shall be uniformly numbered. The text shall have reference to the table.

References shall be provided after the main text of the article in the Russian and English languages (fontsт Times new Roman, typeface for heading – upper-case bold, font size 14; for the list – lower-case, font size 14).

Execution of references

References to the List of references shall be put in square brackets, for example: [1]. If reference is made to specific part of the text, then ordinal number and page number, to which the reference is made, shall be specified in the reference. Data shall be split with comma, for example: [2, p. 15—19]. References shall be numbered in the text in the order of their making. Ordinary number specifies the source of information in the List of references. References shall be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (‘Bibliographical reference. General requirements and rules of execution’).

It is prohibited to use footnotes for linking with the References!

References to materials previously published in the journal by the other authors are mandatory. Electronic version of the journal is available at:

The articles submitted to the editorial office without meeting the above mentioned requirements shall not be reviewed.