Development of agricultural mechanical engineering as the factor of increasing competitiveness of the agrarian and industrial complex technical basis

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PDF: Author(s): Subayeva A. K.,
Number of journal: 1(22) Date: February 2013

The article has provided the review of the modern state of agricultural mechanical engineering. The agricultural machinery takes one of the main places in the agricultural production. The indicators of provision of agricultural companies with tractors and combines have been analyzed. The comparison of the main indices of Russian and imported equipment has been presented. The market of agricultural machinery and its peculiarities has been characterized. It has been noted that agricultural mechanical engineering of Russia is presented by the companies of large and middle-size business, while the small business companies definitely prevail in the countries with well developed agricultural machine-building. The problems of agricultural mechanical engineering in connection with the membership in the WTO have been revealed. The threats and advantages of Russia agricultural machine-building in the WTO have been presented. The trends for the further development and anticipated results of implementation of the strategy of development of agricultural mechanical engineering of Russia through 2020 have been proposed.


agricultural mechanical engineering, agricultural machinery, competitiveness, forms of the state influence, World Trade Organization, strategy of development of mechanical engineering, market of agricultural machinery, investments into mechanical engineering, state support, domestic competitive samples

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