Establishing the concept of «special subject of the crime» in the criminal law of the Russian Empire

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PDF: Author(s): Rogozhkin A. A.,
Number of journal: 1(26) Date: February 2014
Annotation: The article is devoted to studying the features of formation of the concept «special subject of a crime» in the criminal law of the Russian Empire. Legal monuments of the Russian Empire distinguished separate types of performers, however, didn’t justify the limits of their responsibility. The doctrine about the special subject of a crime in the Russian Empire appeared in XIX in terms of development of the institute of complicity. The analysis of the criminal legislation of the Russian Empire provided in the article, certainly, cannot reflect in the full volume of notion the essence of the issue under consideration. Never- theless, the analysis confirms the relevance of the studied issue and the need of continuation of examination of the problems of the special subject of the crime in Russian and foreign criminal legislation from the historical and modern points of view.

Code of the feudal law, Code of laws, Military Article, Code, Decree, special subject of a crime, crime structure-corpus delicti, criminal law, criminal liability, punishment, complicity

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