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PDF: Author(s): Epinina V. S., Korobov S. A., Marusinina E. Yu., Moseiko V. O.,
Number of journal: 1(46) Date: February 2019

The article proves that the development of the innovations is impossible without development of entrepreneurial skills of people who are participants of the production relations in this sphere, which in the innovation sphere can manifest themselves in the form of appropriate skills, abilities and competencies. The paper discusses the features of the formation of entrepreneurial skills as one of the main conditions for development of the innovation sphere, as well as their content. The following entrepreneurial skills are examined: 1) The ability of a person to carry out economic activities through the implementation of the economic gene production of the product. Assuming a specific product model, a person develops his entrepreneurial skill, which is to build the production process of a future product, using the necessary factors of production. 2) The ability of a person to entrepreneurial arbitration through which, entrepreneurs also form, consolidate and implement in practice the relevant skills. Offering its product in the market, the entrepreneur is in constant search for new markets, and in acquiring resources in the market, the entrepreneur is in constant search for new resources. Therefore, this ability should be viewed as an innovative quality entrepreneur, aimed at creating the development of new sources of raw materials and new markets. 3) A person’s ability to do something, defined as enterprise Innovation and enterprise are equal and obligatory conditions that determine the economic development of any business entity. 4) The ability of a person to integrate with the internal and external business environment. The result of this process is the harmonization of relations and interests with all the subjects with which the company interacts, as well as the harmonization of relations and interests of all employees of the enterprise. This will effectively organize all business processes.


innovation environment, entrepreneurial skills, economic gene of production of the product, entrepreneurial arbitration, enterprise, integration with internal and external business environment.

For citation:

Korobov S. A., Moseyko V. O., Marusinina E. Yu., Epinina V. S. Business skills as a basis for developing an innovative environment // Business. Education. Law. 2019. No. 1 (46). Pp. 59–63. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.46.119.