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Author(s): |
Tereshchenko A. G., Tereshchenko O. A., |
Number of journal: |
1(50) |
Date: |
February 2020 |
Annotation: |
The prerequisites of developing the military-pedagogical education system in Russia in the 18th — the first half of the 19th centuries are being analyzed in the article. Political, socioeconomical, and military transformations in Russia in the considered historical period conditioned the increased role of military education, the importance of military pedagogical staff preparation. The authors of the article research the influence of the historical, socio-cultural, and historic-pedagogical premises on the development of the military-pedagogical education system components such as organizing the military and pedagogical educational institutions network, developing the legal framework and study programs for preparation of teachers and training officers, substantiating the management principles of pedagogical staff selection and recruitment into military educational institutions. In the article the premises of the military-pedagogical education system are investigated in relationship with the government policy priorities in the sphere of education and national security, the peculiarities of the military and military-pedagogical staff preparation system institutionalization. These factors in total have allowed the authors to present the complex historic-pedagogical analysis of the research problem. On the one hand, the premises of the military-pedagogical education system are regular occasions, dependent on the socioeconomical and political development conditions of Russia. On the other hand, they manifest themselves as a result of the practical implementing the educational ideas of the native military and pedagogical school classics. In the historic-pedagogical research the problem of developing the military-pedagogical education system in Russia in the 18th — the first half of the 19th centuries was not considered holistically. The unavailability of scientific interpretation for the premises of developing the military-pedagogical education system in the particular historic period has determined the choice of the theme and the newness of the research. Substantiating the premises of developing the military-pedagogical education system in Russia is considered by the authors of the article as the important condition to determine the perspective directions of upgrading preparation and advanced training of military-pedagogical staff in modern conditions. |
Keywords: |
education, military education, premises, development,
system, security, military-pedagogical education, preparation,
advanced training, curriculum, legislation, management principles. |
For citation: |
Tereshchenko A. G., Tereshchenko O. A. Prerequisites of developing the military pedagogical educational system in Russia
(the 18th — the first half of the 19th centuries). Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 1, pp. 417–421. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.50.130. |