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PDF: Author(s): Mikhailov A. M., Petrov N. A.,
Number of journal: 1(50) Date: February 2020

The article discusses the problems of the formation in the process of institutional regulation of banking activities of institutions that ensure the realization of the common institutional interests of its participants in combination with the realization of the interests of private legal entities and individuals. In the process of banking, a whole system of conflicting interests is formed. A dialectical contradiction arises. On the one hand, a commercial bank is an economic entity whose goal is to profit from business operations that implements private institutional interests. On the other hand, it is a public and social institution, the implementation of public interests depends on whose activity. The Bank, like any commercial organization, from an institutional point of view, is considered as a set of individuals united on the basis of the interests of various participants, each of which, in accordance with ownership of economic resources, plays a role in the organization’s activities and requires its own share of the income derived from this activity. Typically, the following groups of stakeholders are identified: shareholders, investors, customers, communities, regulatory bodies. The most important aspects of the implementation of the interests of participants in interaction with banks are the timely fulfillment of obligations with the preservation of the subject of the pledge and the effective use of the loan capital in business. Untimely repayment of debts on obligations taken by a client of the bank entails for the latter a reduction in operating profit and a decrease in the profitability of its own loan portfolio. It should be noted the relative underdevelopment of economic methods for regulating the institutional interaction of the “bank-client”. This situation is caused by the transitive nature of the Russian economy. In recent years, the situation has changed significantly, more and more institutions are being formed that provide economic methods of institutional regulation. In a short time, laws were passed aimed at solving the problems of lack of liquidity, strengthening the confidence of depositors, increasing the capitalization of banks and preventing bankruptcies of both banks and their customers.


economic and institutional interests, institutional regulation, economic entities, banking, general institutional interest, private interests, conflicting interests, banking system, profit, taxes, banking crisis.

For citation:

Mikhailov A. M., Petrov N. A. Implementation of institutional interests in the process of institutional regulation of banking activities. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 1, pp. 106–110. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.50.163.