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PDF: Author(s): Fedyukovich E. V., Svetnik T. V.,
Number of journal: 1(50) Date: February 2020

The issue of developing and implementing an effective mechanism for strategic management is relevant for many organizations operating in different sectors of the Russian economy. It is due to the fact that modern strategic management has become more complex and differs significantly from the early theories and practices. But the campaign managers often prefer to use tools that were formed at the end of the twentieth century because of desire for simplification, the stereotypes of early theories, and the lack of knowledge about modern achievements are hindered. We believe it is necessary to develop a comprehensive strategic management mechanism model that takes into account modern developments and ensures the transition from the use of disparate tools to coordinated activities. In the article, the problem is considered on the example of construction contractors, but the approach used and the results obtained are applicable to any company. The given data on the external environment instability confirm the relevance of the problem solution. The article considers the evolution of strategic management tasks. We developed a model of the organization strategic management mechanism which takes into account modern achievements in this field and includes two blocks: 1) the content of strategic analysis; 2) the implementation of strategic activities and organizational changes. We formulated the provisions that formed the basis of the model. It is revealed that the most problematic element of the strategic analysis is the assessment of the availability of strategic resources and their sufficiency. The least developed element of the second block is the development of strategic maps and the formation of a model of key processes. We concluded that organization leaders in the current situation of change are experiencing a huge number of difficulties that need to be learned to overcome through competent strategic management.


strategic management, strategic management tools, strategies, strategic management tasks, strategic management mechanism, instability of the external environment, building organizations, construction contractors, strategic analysis, strategic resources.

For citation:

Svetnik T. V., Fedyukovich E. V. Strategic management: from distincted tools to an effective mechanism. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 1, pp. 88–93. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.50.158.