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PDF: Author(s): Dekina E. V., Shalaginova K. S.,
Number of journal: 1(58) Date: February 2022

Management of the process of formation of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education ensures the success of the process of socialization of children, satisfaction of their educational needs in intellectual, creative, physical, spiritual and moral improvement. Additional education enables students to acquire a strong need for knowledge and creativity, to realize themselves to the fullest and to find their professional and personal identity, which is especially important for various categories of children. It is important to determine the content and forms of additional education, including through the creative development and application of scientific achievements and psychological and pedagogical experience. Motivation of a teacher of additional education is a key condition determining the success and effectiveness of their activities. The authors identify the features of the formation of motivation for innovation among teachers of additional education; the emphasis is on mastering the skills of teachers to develop an individual route, compiling a portfolio of achievements of the child, innovative technologies in conducting classes. The article describes the results of a study to determine the level of motivation for innovation among teachers of additional education. Among the difficulties in mastering innovations by teachers of the additional education system, the following are named: lack of time (65 % of teachers), help (70 % of teachers), insufficient development of research and project skills (40 % of teachers), the need to increase children’s interest in learning and the teacher’s authority among parents, the acquisition of new knowledge (40 %). The program for building motivation for innovative activity in teachers of additional education is presented, including a problem-project seminar, a thematic meeting, a business game, a project session, a competition, a presentation of best practices, a master class, etc. The program was tested on the basis of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education “Center for Children’s Creativity” in Tula. The study involved 20 teachers of additional education. The results obtained and the developed program can be used to optimize additional education in the aspects of upbringing, training and development of the child’s personality.


teacher, additional education, motivation, effective motivation, innovation, innovation competence, innovation change, technology, personality, individuality

For citation:

Dekina E. V., Kseniya S. Sh. Effective motivation for innovative activity in teachers of additional education, interacting with different categories of children. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 1, pp. 385—389. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.58.171.