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PDF: Author(s): Gordienko T. P., L. P. Il’chenko, M. Yu.Kucherenko,
Number of journal: 1(58) Date: February 2022

The article describes the importance of independent work of future music teachers in educational institutions of higher education. The concept of self-training is analyzed as a purposeful, self-motivational, creative and corrective activity of students, in the process of which certain goals are achieved at a set time and period under the systematic methodical guidance of a teacher. The features of the organization of independent work of students of music education are revealed. Methodical principles are defined, the content is developed, psychological and pedagogical features of independent work of students in musical disciplines are revealed. It is proved that the organization of independent work of future music teachers is due to the personal characteristics of the future music teacher: purposefulness, self-discipline, organizability, self-esteem, the ability to think critically and motivation. The effectiveness of the formation of musical knowledge, skills and abilities closely depends on well-organized independent work, where the main development of musical material and personal professional skills and abilities take place. The analysis of literary sources is evidence that at the present stage experience has been accumulated in independent work, but the features of independent training of future music teachers have not been sufficiently studied. Based on the monitoring of the disciplines of music direction of the curriculum (training direction 44.03.01, profile training “Music Education”) of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Crimea “Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” about 50 % of hours are allocated for independent work. The attitudes necessary for the organization of quality independent work are identified: systematic daily exercises, organized work, persistence, interest and involvement in the work, knowledge of effective techniques and methods of work.


independent work, music education, individual student training, higher education, methodological principles, ways of organizing independent work, future music teacher, settings for work, activation of working capacity, music lessons

For citation:

Kucherenko M. Yu., Gordienko T. P., Il’chenko L. P. The significance of independent work in the preparation of future music teachers. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 1, pp. 380—384. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.58.167.