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PDF: Author(s): D. N. Ivanov,
Number of journal: 1(58) Date: February 2022

In the context of the deepening crisis of enterprises in all sectors of the economy, the issue of optimization of many processes in order to minimize post-crisis consequences is becoming relevant. Enterprises are trying to choose various optimization processes related to many factors of enterprise life. One of such components is the process of merger and acquisition of businesses, including subsidiaries, within one large parent company. Often the parent company, in its “heyday” can afford to create several subsidiaries, in order to serve its own needs. But in the period of growing crisis, associated with all external factors, the enterprise needs to carry out various reorganizations in order to continue to operate effectively. Such reorganizations are aimed at optimizing and allow large companies to save money, while keeping qualified personnel of the organization. In this article the analysis of theoretical aspects of the process of merger and acquisition of organizations is considered. The definitions of “merger”, “acquisition”, “joining” of organizations by different authors and their analysis are considered. Particular attention is paid to the merger of subsidiaries within a single large company. The author proposes a clarification of the concept of mergers and acquisitions, as well as the analysis of classifications of mergers and acquisitions of organizations. As part of this article, the author, based on an analysis of theoretical sources, proposes an addition to the algorithm of mergers and acquisitions of companies. As an addition, the introduction of the block “Psychological training of personnel” is proposed. This proposal was formed on the basis of the analysis of theoretical aspects, as well as the identified shortcomings. The main expected effect of this introduction is the rapid adaptation of the personnel of the merging organization.


merger, acquisition, uniting, company, accession, crisis, subsidiaries, merger algorithm, merger transaction, personnel

For citation:

Ivanov D. N. Mergers and acquisitions in the modern world: аnalysis of theoretical aspects. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 1, pp. 77—82. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.58.137.