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PDF: Author(s): N. A. Kagina, Vasinа O. N.,
Number of journal: 1(62) Date: February 2023

The article presents a theoretical justification of the educational potential of the botanical garden in the implementation of eco-oriented vocational education. The authors substantiate the idea that various ecooriented educational activities of the botanical garden enrich the integrated system of eco-oriented vocational education. However, the results of the authors’ analysis of normative documents regulating vocational education indicate an extremely small presence of eco-oriented and value-semantic components in the updatedFederalstateeducationalstandardsof highereducation and professional standards. At the same time, the universal nature of the accumulated ecological knowledge and ecological traditions of the botanical garden allows students to gain positive experience of emotional-value attitude towards Nature, other people and themselves, health, profession, Fatherland, the world as a whole, which determines the strategies of moral behavior, the nature of goals and motives of interaction with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The authors emphasize that having a pronounced emotional-value character, the botanical garden creates conditions for the student to: a) master his profession through educational activities; b) master and assimilate social norms / rules of behavior, forming the student’s personal experience of emotional-value attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. At the same time, the educational activity of the botanical garden is shown by the authors from the standpoint of the theory of contextual education (A. A. Verbitsky) as a conceptual basis for the implementation of the competence approach. The possibilities of the formation of quasi-professional activity are determined. The features of the content of the subject, moralandsocialcontextsof vocationaleducationarecharacterized; the potential of the botanical garden for the implementation of the eco-oriented research work of students is shown.


eco-oriented, vocational education, botanical garden, experience of emotional-value attitude, contextual approach, quasi-professional activity, educational activities, subject context, social context, moral context

For citation:

Vasinа O. N., Kagina N. A. Educational activities of the botanical garden in the implementation of eco-oriented vocational education. Business. Education. Law, 2023, no. 1, pp. 240—244. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.62.505.