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PDF: Author(s): G. V. Akhmetzhanova, T. V. Emelyanova,
Number of journal: 1(62) Date: February 2023

The problem of increased anxiety occupies the position of the “Epidemic of the XXI century” and becomes a factor in reducing the quality of human life in all its aspects. This applies to university education, where the increased anxiety of students is the reason for a decrease in motivation, even for academic failure. The article presents an analysis of the works Russian (R. Nemov, A. Prikhozhan, S. Soloviev) and foreign (D. W. Grupe, K. Mogg, M. Salehi and others) scientists on student anxiety. This allowed us to reveal the concepts of “worry”, “anxiety”, the causes of their occurrence, and specific manifestations in the educational process. The trend of education development is actualized — the organization of psychological and pedagogical support, considered as a subject of professional activity of a teacher and as an effective tool for providing support to students from the teacher. The analysis of practice reveals a shortage of using the potential of lectures and practical classes in terms of organizing psychological and pedagogical support for “anxious” students. It is revealed that, with the relevance of the problem under consideration, psychological and pedagogical support to reduce students’ anxiety is implemented mainly in the form of extracurricular corrective classes. This does not correspond to the educational opportunities to reduce the level of anxiety of students. The methods used in the education of students with increased anxiety are indicated. The conclusion is made about the need to work on the inclusion of methods in the educational process that allow students with increased anxiety to master the educational program of the university.


higher education, the educational process at the university, the educational process, professional pedagogical activity, anxiety, anxiety, increased anxiety, students with an increased level of anxiety, psychological and pedagogical support, pedagogical methods

For citation:

Akhmetzhanova G. V., Emelyanova T. V. Psychological and pedagogical support of students with increased anxiety in the educational process. Business. Education. Law, 2023, no. 1, pp. 424—428. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.62.561.