Analysis of capitalisation process of market value in the conditions of an economic crisis

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PDF: Author(s): Malova T. A.,
Number of journal: 2(12) Date: May 2010

The article is devoted to the concept of a category of “the capitalisation” reflecting multilevel management process for maintenance of economic growth. Capital outflow, including the massed transfer assets out of Russia by foreign investment funds has negatively affected the capitalisation process. The author shows that the capitalisation of market value becomes the additional form of an increment of capital cost in the conditions of financial globalization; she analyzes the consequences of instability of capitalisation of market cost with respect to modern Russia and defines the basic directions of optimization process of capitalization as conditions of overcoming the recession and transition to innovative growth.


market value, capitalisation, innovations, share indexes, policy of expansion, financial sector restructuring, partnership of a state and business, merge and absorption, economic growth, financial globalisation

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