Benchmarking as a way of perfection of an infrastructure of small business support Данная статья посвящена вопросам совершенство- вания инфраструктуры поддержки малого предприни- мательства. Целью формирования инфраструктуры поддержки малого предпринимательства является обес- печение информационных, экономических и правовых пот- ребностей малых предприятий, возникающих в процессе организации, веде

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PDF: Author(s): Sidorova E. E.,
Number of journal: 2(12) Date: May 2010

The present article is devoted to the issues of perfection of the infrastructure of small business support. The purpose of creating of the infrastructure of small business support is maintenance of information, economic and legal needs of the small enterprises arising during the organization, conducting and expansion of enterprise activity. As the object of the infrastructure of small business it is offered to create the benchmarking center. The author gives the de nition of benchmarking. Possible directions of the activity of the benchmarking center and successful examples of functioning of the benchmarking centers in Europe are considered.


benchmarking; the benchmarking center; the infrastructure of small business support; the objects of the infrastructure of small business support; small business

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