Potential OF studentS’ PEDAGOGICAL TEAMS FOR preparation of innovative HUMAN RESOURCES

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PDF: Author(s): Chistyakova M. A.,
Number of journal: 2(15) Date: May 2011

The article justifies the methodical approach to formation of an innovative system of training of human resources for the new school by means of the early professionalization at the students’ pedagogical teams. A characteristic feature of a new teacher is the innovative focus of his activities. The students’ pedagogical team as a center of the youth educational initiatives creates an innovative environment for preparation of a new teacher, because the significant condition is the research activities of a student, testing and implementation of his developments. This article describes the form of students’ activities with children at the pedagogical team, indicates the authors’ programs, which have been already practically implemented.


professional training, students’ pedagogical team, a new school, innovative human resources, educational initiatives, the integration of extra-curricular activities, innovation infrastructure, the early professionalization, research activity of students, introduction of the results

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