Energy saving and increase of energy efficiency: history of the concepts

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PDF: Author(s): Tupikina A. A.,
Number of journal: 2(27) Date: May 2014
Annotation: One of the main strategic milestones presented in the Energy strategy of Russia until 2030 is the increase of the economics energy efficiency, which should be achieved by means of investments in the energy efficiency increasing and ensuring the users interest in energy saving. Currently, the concepts used in works devoted to increasing the energy efficiency and energy saving are significantly different. The article analyzes the conceptual framework used in these studies. The definitions given in the legislation in 1996 and 2009 are examined; they are compared, and the main drawbacks of definitions are identified. The interactions between the concepts of «energy saving» and «increase of energy efficiency» discussed in different sources are determined.

energy saving, energy efficiency, energy resource, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency index, efficient use of energy resources, specific consumption of energy resources, effect of the energy resources consumption, energy saving potential, legislation on energy saving

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