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PDF: Author(s): Belousova I. M., Wang Haijiao,
Number of journal: 2(47) Date: May 2019

The article discusses the axiological approach, the national and cultural identity of Russian and Chinese phraseological units with the “work” component. One of the main problems in the comparative study of phraseological units of different nations is the identification of culturally specific and universal in the linguistic and cognitive levels of the language. Working with vocabulary, phraseological units of the language in the framework of the intercultural paradigm of education should be aimed not only at mastering the semantics of words, but also at actualizing the trainees’ individual ideas about people, country and culture, as reflected in the vocabulary of the language being studied. When teaching lexical means of communication, phraseology, and non‑equivalent vocabulary, a culturological commentary is needed, which is based on a brief definition of a given culturally‑marked unit, also uses word‑building analysis, antonyms, synonyms, etc. The role of the teacher in the project activities of students is to create an algorithm for analyzing the situation in intercultural communication: identifying the type of situation; setting the topic, purpose and subject of conversation; definition of cultural context; identifying the cultural mode of student behavior. Having understood the meaning of phraseological units (phraseological units), the student must learn to find them in the text, understand morphological and syntactic features, as well as word‑building possibilities, learn to recognize phraseological units by ear in the speech of native speakers and learn to use them in speech. If you choose phraseological units related to the sphere of labor and work, and order them by semantic content, we get a certain semantic structure that can be correlated with the concepts and problems of labor: the place of work in human life; the characteristic of labor as a process; results of work in human life. Translation and analysis of phraseological units gives grounds to assert that work and labor occupy an important place in the lives of Russians and Chinese, a mandatory nature of labor is asserted.


axiological approach, phraseological units, language picture of the world, phraseological picture of the world, proverbs, sayings, connotation, semantic field, structure of gestalt formation, word‑formation analysis, intercultural education, linguistic dictionaries, project activity.

For citation:

Belousova I. M., Wang Haijiao. Axiological approach to training of chinese students of the level B1 in Russian phraseology with the «work» component. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 2, pp. 370–374. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.47.250.