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PDF: Author(s): Dyumina A. A.,
Number of journal: 2(47) Date: May 2019

A full‑scale reform of all monitoring and oversight activities is being currently performed. The need for it is long overdue. There is a constant discussion of it in the highest circles, government meetings, and international economic forums. The most important component is the mechanism of state control, because the correct choice of the form and method of state control (supervision) depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of such activities. It should be noted that there is no legislative interpretation of the concepts of “form” and “method”. In this paper, we conducted a theoretical and legal analysis of these categories, on the basis of which the concept of forms and methods of the state control (supervision) is defined, as well as the mechanism of its implementation. The goals and objectives of the forms of control (supervision) are identified, as well as the need to separate them from the methods of control (supervision) at the legislative level. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, the author defines the forms of state control (supervision) of transport security as the external organizational and legal expression of the control action relative to the controlled entities consisting in implementation of the specified homogeneous actions of the state control bodies of transport security and their officials, which is fixed in the established legal document. The method of the state control of transport security is a set of specific actions (techniques, methods, means) necessary for practical implementation of a specific form of the state control (supervision) of transport security aimed at solving its goals and objectives. The introduction of new forms and methods of the state control as a result of application of the risk‑based approach, checklists is examined, as well as the changes in the subject of control and supervisory activities.


form of state control (supervision), method of state control (supervision), risk‑oriented approach, checklists, subject of control of transport security, monitoring, inspection, inspection, control purchase, inspection, inspection, inventory, reform, risk category, prevention.

For citation:

Dyumina A. A. Forms and methods of the state control (supervision) of transport security. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 2, pp. 309–317. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.47.225.