PDF: |
Author(s): |
Bobkova S. N., Eraskin D. A., Nalobina A. N., Nazarova K. M., |
Number of journal: |
2(51) |
Date: |
May 2020 |
Annotation: |
Spinal injuries account for up to 15 % of all injuries received. Despite the variety of available means of physical rehabilitation, there is almost no data on the developed programs for improving the cardiorespiratory system of people with traumatic spinal cord disease. The purpose of the study is to identify the feasibility of using exercises in water to improve the functional state of the cardiovascular system of people with traumatic spinal cord disease (TBSM). Two groups of patients with TBSM (TH4—Th7 lesion level) were formed, nine people each. The duration of the injury was from 1 to 3 years. The age of the subjects is from 27 to 35 years. The main criterion for dividing the examined people into groups was the inclusion of hydrokinesitherapy in the complex of rehabilitation measures. The functional state of the cardiovascular system was assessed by determining the heart rate and measuring blood pressure. Pulse pressure, shock and minute volume of blood circulation, heart index, and total peripheral vascular resistance were calculated. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica-6 program. The results obtained by us indicate the need for targeted training of the cardiovascular system of patients with TBSM in order to ensure a high-quality process of restoring motor functions. In accordance with this, we have optimized the physical rehabilitation program with the inclusion of hydrokinesitherapy. After the main pedagogical experiment, both groups showed a tendency to decrease heart rate, reduce systolic blood pressure and total peripheral vascular resistance, and increase the shock and minute volume of blood circulation. However, the severity of these changes was greater in the study group, where hydrokinesitherapy was included in the comprehensive rehabilitation program. Thus, hydrokinesitherapy provides alternative options for ground exercises for patients with traumatic spinal cord disease and has a number of advantages. |
Keywords: |
spinal cord injury, hydrokinesotherapy, rehabilitation,
cardiovascular system, indicators of hemodynamics,
adaptive physical culture, spinal injuries, physical activity,
functional capabilities, motor functions. |
For citation: |
Nalobina A. N., Nazarova K. M., Bobkova S. N., Eraskin D. A. Effect of hydrokinesotherapy on the indicators
of cardiovascular system of patients with traumatic disease of the spinal cord. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 2, pp. 314–318.
DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.51.219. |