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PDF: Author(s): Scherbakov A. V.,
Number of journal: 2(51) Date: May 2020

The penal system occupies an important place in the law enforcement mechanism of the state, implements in the parameters established by the state legal forms, with the help of specific legal and organizational means and methods, penitentiary activities associated with the implementation of state coercion measures and necessary to maintain and ensure order (legal, political social). At the same time, it is a social institution that plays a special role in the system of social control, and, thus, acts as an important component of the system of social organization (society) as a whole. In this regard, the penal system, experiencing the influence of society and the changes taking place in it and in the state, in turn, has an impact on society, the state, its citizens. The article discusses the problem of ensuring the security of the penal system (hereinafter the penal system) and focuses on educational, preventive and socio-psychological work with prisoners, as an important factor in ensuring its safety. The considered examples of modern domestic penitentiary practice on the issues of educational, preventive and socio-psychological work with prisoners help the author to find suggestions for the development of penal legislation and improve educational and social work with prisoners, as well as to identify problematic issues of an organizational-legal nature in this part. The article was prepared based on the results of scientific research, taking into account legislative and departmental regulatory acts, the experience of employees involved in educational, preventive and socio-psychological issues that are directly related to ensuring the safety of organs and institutions of the penal system. The author hopes that the prepared work will be interesting to the teaching staff, scientific and practical workers, cadets, students, adjuncts, graduate students of educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. However, in general, as the author believes, a comprehensive approach is required, which implies further improvement of the system of forms and methods of educational, preventive and socio-psychological work carried out with prisoners sentenced to sentences.


criminal Executive system, educational and preventive and socio-psychological work with convicts, convicts, correction, psychological assistance, security, public safety, penitentiary security.

For citation:

Shcherbakov A. V. Educational and social work as an important security factor in places of deprivation of liberty. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 2, pp. 221–227. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.51.210.