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PDF: Author(s): Davkush N. V., Gluzman N. A.,
Number of journal: 2(55) Date: May 2021

The article investigates the problem of the state of the professional potential of masters to conduct pedagogical research; the urgency of solving this problem has been proved, in connection with the introduction of innovative approaches in higher pedagogical education, which require the teacher to have a high level of proficiency in the skills of modern methods of searching, processing and using information in professional activities. The analysis of scientific pedagogical sources indicates that significant experience has now been accumulated in multi-level teacher training, but the theoretical and methodological foundations for preparing future primary school teachers for research activities at the master’s level are insufficiently studied. It has been proven that the strategic goal of training future primary school teachers is to prepare a teacher-researcher who is ready for design, innovation and creativity. Based on the study of the works of scientists, the following basic qualities of a teacher-researcher have been identified: inquisitiveness, observance, initiative, the sense of the innovative, interest in professional activity, discipline, responsibility, organizational skills, communicability, goodwill. The level of formation of professional qualities, research knowledge and skills of the students of the Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences, a branch of Vernadsky Crimean Federal University has been determined. There has been conducted a questionnaire survey with full-time and part-time students of the master program “Innovative Processes in Primary Education”. The survey contained the following blocks of indicators characterizing the level of professional readiness of future teachers as researchers: identifying the level of formation of professional qualities; determination of the level of formation of pedagogical knowledge about the specifics of the research function of a primary school teacher; identification of the level of formation of pedagogical skills in conducting pedagogical research; determination of the level of readiness to conduct pedagogical research. The deficiencies in the content and operational-activity components of professional preparation for pedagogical research have been revealed. Conclusions are made about the need to improve the professional training of masters of primary education.


primary school teacher, master’s level, master’s degree, research activity, teacher-researcher, pedagogical research, universal competences, professional competence, Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, educational and scientific master’s program.

For citation:

Gluzman N. A., Davkush N. V. Analysis of the state of preparation of master students for pedagogical research in primary school. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 2, pp. 324—329. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.55.275.