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PDF: Author(s): Kravchenko A.V., Krylova E. V., Safronov G. S.,
Number of journal: 2(55) Date: May 2021

The possibility of using new fuel sources in power plants is most relevant in our time, this is due to the environmental situation in the field of oil, gas and coal production, and the incomplete development of oil and gas fields. In coal mining, its relatively low cost, the possibility of creating jobs in coal-producing regions and the possibility of increasing the level of energy security are attractive, however, harmful emissions from coal combustion cause irreparable damage to the environment and human health. Thus, coal fuel faces serious challenges in the form of environmental requirements for clean air. The article proposes to expand the fuel base of electric power plants, including, where possible, low-pressure gas, which should replace coal-fired electricity generation, following world practice. The disadvantages of using coal in the electric power industry are considered. A classification of low-pressure gas with a brief description of each type of low-pressure gas (LPG) is given. A comparative estimate of the cost of electricity in the case of abandoning coal and purchasing energy on the wholesale market and generating energy using low-pressure gas is given. Since the low-pressure gas is essentially residual in the well, it contains a higher percentage of impurities, which requires cleaning it from impurities and adding additional additives in the case of its supply to the pipeline. This causes an additional expense. When burning associated gas for energy purposes in the production area, fuel enrichment is not required and additional costs can be avoided. The economic efficiency of the use of LPG in decentralized power plants, namely, the production of energy for the mining complex, has been proved.


electric power industry, natural gas, low-pressure gas, associated petroleum gas, fuel base expansion, ecology, economic efficiency, generation, reserves, energy purchase.

For citation:

Kravchenko A. V., Krylova E. V., Safronov G. S. Expanding the fuel base of power plants: economic effect. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 2, pp. 172—177. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.55.268.