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PDF: Author(s): A. V. Kyuregina,
Number of journal: 2(59) Date: May 2022
Annotation: The article reveals educators’ and students’ requests for the interpretation of nature protective and bioethical thematic. The actuality of the research is determined by the fact that today the ecological crisis is steadily getting worse in spite of the laws connected with nature protection and environmental education, and the necessity of rejecting many standard practices connected with living nature treatment is becoming evident; still these facts realized by individual participants of the educational process are not reflected in the curriculum. The present work uncovers the difference between the standard approach to the interaction of mankind and living nature and the modern biocentric one. The new relation of educators and students to living world is particularly expressive in such spheres of education and upbringing as natural science, especially naturalistic studying of nature, forming images of the environment through fiction and cinema, aesthetic education, labor education, leisure activities. Through conversations, analysis of creative works, pedagogic researches, teaching manuals it was revealed that in modern educational environment there is demand for labor education in animal shelters, aesthetic education at the junction with formation of a value-based attitude towards life itself, getting natural science knowledge through humane methods, selecting literature and films favoring the development of bioethical reasoning, resisting commercial interests connected with cruelty to living beings. The development of these issues is a strong prerequisite for the inclusion of requirements for the formation of bioethical values in educational standards.

ecological culture, humanism of personality, anthropocentric worldview, biocentric worldview, bioethical thematic, aesthetic education, labor education, humanization of natural science education, lifestyle transformation, perception of literature and cinema, development of ethical values, resisting commercial interest

For citation:

Kyuregina A. V. Change of requests for the presentation of bioethical thematic in modern pedagogy. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 2, pp. 331—335. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.265.