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PDF: Author(s): Shapovalov V. I., Shuvanov I. B., Shuvanova V. P.,
Number of journal: 2(63) Date: May 2023

The relevance of the study is determined by the consequences of professional deformations, such as distorted professional development, decrease in adaptive, intellectual abilities, occupational diseases, etc., which are most developed among workers in pedagogical professions who constantly interact with students. The difficult socio-economic situation in modern Russia, on the one hand, increases the requirements for the qualifications and responsibility of the teacher; on the other hand, it gives rise to a system of psychological factors that negatively affect the personality of the subject of labor, which naturally leads to the emergence and development of professional deformation of the personality. Among these factors, special attention is paid to the motivational orientation, which reduces or increases the stimulating function of motivation. The methodological tools of the study include two methods aimed at assessing the professional deformation of employees according to ten indicators (E. F. Zeer, A. I. Pavlova) and assessing three motivational orientations of the individual (V. Smekal and M. Kuchera). Theoretical significance: in the context of a systematic approach, the psychological essence of the peculiarities of the various motivational directions influencing the professional deformation of the personality is revealed. In the practical part, it is shown that the features of professional deformation of teachers with different motivational orientation are manifested: 1) with a pronounced focus on themselves — in the form of pedagogical aggression, demonstrativeness, role expansionism and social hypocrisy; 2) with a pronounced focus on mutual action — in the form of authoritarianism; 3) with a pronounced focus on the cause — in the form of dominance and role expansionism. The structure of correlations of personality deformation, depending on the motivational orientation, obtained in the study, is the basis for practical activities to predict the features of the educational activities of teachers, their socio-psychological support in the field of preventing manifestations of professional deformation.


professional deformation, motivational orientation, personality, teacher, systematic approach, methodological tools, assessment, correlation, dependence, socio-psychological support

For citation:

Shapovalov V. I., Shuvanov I. B., Shuvanova V. P. Features of professional deformation among teachers with different motivational focus. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2023;2(63):387—392. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2023.63.607.