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PDF: Author(s): Sagatelova L. S.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The need to provide the younger generation with mathematical education focused on perspective needs of the society accounts for its elaboration at general training organisations. The solution to the said problem assumes the development of the concept for elaboration of mathematical education and organisation of practical activity aimed at its realisation. The purpose of the article is to describe the object of designing the system “mathematical education in a general educational organization” from the standpoint of system and synergetic approaches. The research is based on the qualitative approach to the study of scientific works on methodology of education and pedagogical activity, research of the theory and methodology of general mathematical education, normative documents. The methodological basis of the research is represented by system and synergetic approaches. The research highlights the socio-economic prerequisites for elaboration of mathematical education at general training organisations, substantiates the need to explore the problem of elaboration of mathematical education at general training organisations from the position of system and synergetic approaches. The result of a comprehensive understanding of mathematical education in general educational organizations as an object of design from the standpoint of system and synergetic approaches made it possible to reveal the essential features of the system “mathematical education in a general educational organization”, determine the component composition of the system, reveal intra-system and inter-system interactions of the system, which allows taking into account risks, deficiencies when designing, and balance any changes you make. The performed research is focused on solving the problem of compliance of mass mathematical education with promising requirements for its quality, which guarantees successful social mobility in the long term for graduates of general educational institutions. The results obtained create the prerequisites for further study of the phenomenon of designing mathematical education, taking into account the long-term requirements that are characteristic of a dynamically developing society.


mathematical education, secondary general education, theoretical and methodological foundations, system approach, synergetic approach, educational system of teaching mathematics, design object, structural model of the design object, composition of model components, innovations, essential characteristics and design features

For citation:

Sagatelova L. S. Mathematical education at general training institutions as an object of elaboration: system and synergetic approaches. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):365—372. DOI: 10.25683/ VOLBI.2024.67.953.