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PDF: Author(s): Kudryavtseva A. S., Nikitushkin V. G.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article presents an experiment on justification and short-term practical implementation of a matrix of theoretical orientation of methods applicable in a pedagogical school, in the process of obtaining higher physical education and pedagogical education. The focus of this article is determined by the need to combine not only “online” and “offline” modes of education and “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning, but also academic higher physical education and pedagogical education and professional sports activities of student athletes. The selected matrix serves as an addition to the process of obtaining physical education and pedagogical education by student athletes who combine the educational process with professional sports activities, i.e. expresses the focus of a specific form of hybridization, identified in higher physical education and pedagogical education. A certain range of methods that serve as the basis of the selected matrix has proven practical application in other areas of training in higher pedagogical schools. However, in the context of physical education and pedagogical education in higher education, this content was used for the first time. The practical implementation of the established matrix took place on students involved in sports of various levels of training (from 3rd adult sports category to masters of sports). The results and conclusions obtained formed the basis of a comprehensive theoretical and practical matrix of means and methods for developing professional competence, taking into account the hybridization of education for student athletes of various levels of sports qualifications. Based on the results of the study displayed in the article, the recommended period of exposure to students or the period of application to students has established the time range for obtaining higher education at the “bachelor’s” or “basic higher education” level. The results are displayed in further research as part of the candidate’s dissertation.


physical and pedagogical education, pedagogical education, methodological complex, sports technologies, educational technologies, hybrid educational technologies, theoretical teaching methods, future coaches, students, student athletes

For citation:

Kudryavtseva A. S., Nikitushkin V. G. Methodological complex of theoretically oriented hybrid educational technologies of future sports coaches. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):332—337. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.941.