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PDF: Author(s): Borisova L. R., Fridman M. N., Kremer N. S.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article discusses current problems and methods of teaching higher mathematics and data analysis to students studying entirely online at an economics university when studying the disciplines “Mathematics” and “Data Analysis”. Various forms of organizing online and independent work of students based on the Moodle learning platform are considered. The need to use various computing tools and means to facilitate the solution of technically complex problems is analyzed. The structure of the mathematics textbook created by the authors for online education in all directions is described. When writing the textbook, the authors used many years of experience in teaching mathematics disciplines for students in correspondence and online forms of education. The experience of digitalization of teaching through the creation of electronic educational courses based on the Moodle learning platform in mathematics disciplines, which form the basis for independent work of students and control of their knowledge, which received the highest rating upon testing, is considered. The use of ELC in the educational process, as well as such computing tools as Excel and R-Studio, increases its efficiency, makes it possible to introduce digital modernization more widely into the teaching process, increase the relevance of mathematics disciplines, and more closely connect them with modern computer technologies that have become a part of the daily practice of modern youth. A special role is played by the electronic training course for students who study only online and independently, and most of the program material is allocated to the student’s independent work. The proposed ELC structure and textbook for students in online education allow them to successfully cope with the assigned tasks, contributing not only to the mastery of theoretical knowledge in mathematics disciplines, but also to an understanding of the possibilities of applying mathematics in the real world. As a result, the innovative methods used to teach mathematics disciplines to students in online education are aimed at improving the quality of education of specialists graduating from the university, providing them with all opportunities for personal growth, developing such competences and skills that contribute to the successful competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.


Excel, R-Studio, mathematics, e-learning course, mathematical analysis, data analysis, Moodle, digitalization, innovation, online education

For citation:

Borisova L. R., Kremer N. S., Fridman M. N. Some aspects of teaching mathematics disciplines to university students in online education. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):479—485. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.993