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PDF: Author(s): Gizzatova I. D., Nizamieva L. Y., Starshinova T. A.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

This article examines the main functions of the integrative approach in the process of training future energy engineers. An integrative approach to teaching helps to ensure the complexity and integrity of students’ knowledge and skills. It is aimed at forming their systemic thinking and scientific worldview. The development and application of an integrative approach is important for optimizing the educational process and improving the quality of training of future energy engineers. One of the manifestations of the integrative approach is the identification and implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process. The article considers interdisciplinary connections in the preparation of a future energy engineer using the example of one of the main disciplines “Electric power systems and networks”. The use of an integrative approach in the construction of a course in this discipline will allow us to fulfill a number of important requirements for the training of a future competent professional for the energy industry. The content of the educational program should reflect the interdisciplinary connections we have considered. The research and analysis of the functions that the integrative approach implements make it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, as a result of which future engineers better understand and evaluate complex situations in their professional activities. The principles we have considered are fundamental for an integrative approach, since the need to develop related and complementary educational programs at different levels for the training of specialists in the field of energy and the formation of their professional competence require their identification. These principles focus on the comprehensive acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the active use of a variety of active and interactive teaching methods and forms in educational practice.


integration, integrative approach, interdisciplinary connections, educational process, professional skills, education, systemic approach, energy engineer, systems analysis, educational program

For citation:

Starshinova T. A., Nizamieva L. Y., Gizzatova I. D. Main functions of the integrative approach in the training of future energy engineers. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):436—440. DOI: 10.25683/ VOLBI.2024.67.962.