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PDF: Author(s): Repkina Yu. A., Sergeeva M. G.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

Changes in socio-political processes in the Russian Federation made it possible to formulate a social order and, accordingly, determine the goals of education: creating conditions for the development of an active, creative personality capable of adapting quickly to new rules, life attitudes, changes in society, in which a person seeking constant self-development and achieving a high level of professionalism is in demand. This circumstance determines special and sometimes completely new aspects in the activities of the teacher who is entrusted with a responsibility to educate the citizens who make up a given society. This is where the requirements for the need to adjust the practice of using professional pedagogical activities of a teacher come from. Reforming the education system in the Russian Federation, which is currently underway, and introducing relevant changes in the legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulating educational activities, are largely due to the adjustment of the perception of the goals and expected educational outcomes. At the same time, the final result of this work should be the achievement of a high level of mass education. An analysis of what constitutes the essence of a teacher’s professional development leads to understanding this process as a continuous work to improve their activities, increase their professional level, bring them to a level of high skill, constant study and introducing new knowledge, skills and abilities into their activities. The synthesis of significant criteria of this category gives grounds to understand the professional development of teachers as a self-regulated, constant, active, based on certain goals, conscious process of qualitative and quantitative personal modifications, allowing both subjective and reflective experience of professional activity to rise to a qualitatively different level of their evolution as a professional and self-realization.


educational organization, educational psychologist, level of training, entry into the future profession, professional training, effectiveness of vocational training, professional self-determination, becoming a professional, building a professional career, formation of key competences

For citation:

Sergeeva M. G., Repkina Yu. A. Training of educational psychologists for professional activity in higher education institutions. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):373—380. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.954.