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PDF: Author(s): Kalsina V. V., Ovsyannikova I. A.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article discusses the issues of forming diagnostic tools for the procedural part of the technology for pedagogical control of physical fitness of young track and field athletes with intellectual disabilities. The training system represents a scientifically based concept for managing the development of physical potential. The action of the management system is to make decisions aimed at correcting the components of educational technology if the learning result is not achieved or the consequences are unacceptable. Algorithms for the use of educational technologies depend on the type of intellectual disability and the characteristics of each participant. Pedagogical technology provides for the transfer of students from one level to the required one, taking into account the initial state, the planned result, the use of procedures and means for pedagogical control of the degree of compliance of the result with the changing parameters of the student, providing correction and is aimed at individual development according to motor inclinations and interests. In order to create conditions for continuous learning in the «zone of proximal development» and transition to the next stages of sports training, a program of pedagogical control of physical fitness has been formed, taking into account the functional state of young athletes. The program of pedagogical control of physical fitness using sets of control exercises (tests), differentiated assessment scales and levels of physical fitness, an additional educational program of sports training in sports for persons with intellectual disabilities “Athletics: sprinting” establishes the effectiveness of the interaction between participants in the educational process. The pedagogical control program provides for assessing the functional state of athletes and dividing them into groups according to the level of physical fitness, the sequence of pedagogical and physiological testing.


intellectual disability, pedagogical testing, physiological testing, control exercises (tests), differentiated assessment scales, levels of physical fitness, diagnostic tools, pedagogical control program, educational technology, sprinting, initial training

For citation:

Ovsyannikova I. A., Kalsina V. V. Program of pedagogical control of physical fitness of athletes with intellectual development disabilities. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):465—471. DOI: 10.25683/ VOLBI.2024.67.990.