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PDF: Author(s): Kasimova E. R., Kuznetsova E. V., Ruvenny I. Ya.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article actualizes the necessity to expand the portfolio of brands of Russian enterprises at the expense of an HR brand in order to manage the reputation of the enterprise as an employer to increase its competitiveness by improving the quality of human capital used. New realities are radically changing the situation on the labor market. It is becoming increasingly difficult to attract and retain truly valuable staff. Providing enterprises with human resources is becoming a much more strategic issue than before, which requires the use of new tools. The attribution of HR branding to the tools of strategic marketing management is due to the fact that it is based on the intersection of marketing and personnel management. Nowadays, more and more enterprises care about creating and developing their own HR brand, although, in general, their number remains insignificant. The authors proposed a model of strategic marketing management of an HR brand, including the definition of HR branding, a specific algorithm of an HR brand formation, a set of external and internal technologies of HR branding, in particular, digital technologies. The definition of HR branding actualizes the necessity of joint activity of marketing and HR management departments to solve HR branding tasks. The proposed algorithm of an HR brand formation emphasizes strategic and marketing aspects of HR branding. The role of the employer’s EVP as the core of strategic marketing management of an HR brand, defining a set of specific external and internal HR branding tools, is strengthened. Digital technologies relevant in HR branding (attraction technologies, involvement technologies and retention technologies) are proposed and digitalization trends in this sphere are identified on the basis of practical examples. The conducted research shows the importance of marketing technologies in HR management aimed at the labor market to attract potential employees and retain current employees.


strategic marketing management, marketing strategy, HR management, HR branding, employer brand, Employee Value Proposition, external HR brand, internal HR brand, corporate values, HR brand digitalization

For citation:

Kasimova E. R., Kuznetsova E. V., Ruvenny I. Y. HR branding as a tool of strategic marketing management. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):89—94. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.972.