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PDF: Author(s): Litvinа N. I., Nikolaev O. V., Savichkina N. V.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article discusses ways to solve problems of integrated development of rural areas, including for the long term. An analysis of the size of the rural population in Russia and its share in the structure of the country’s population, including by federal districts, is presented. There is a reduction in the number of rural settlements and the continuing migration of rural residents to cities due to the limited number of offers in the rural labor market, low wages, and the absence or unsatisfactory condition of industrial, social and communal infrastructure. The problem of providing comfortable living conditions in rural settlements deserves special attention. In Russia, state funding of key activities aimed at ensuring sustainable development of rural areas is carried out within the framework of the State Program “Integrated Development of Rural Areas”. The need to stimulate the implementation of investment projects on the basis of public-private partnerships, aimed at the development of new and restoration of abandoned rural settlements, collaboration of efforts of authorities at various levels, business structures, non-governmental organizations, and attraction of financial resources of citizens is emphasized. It is significant to implement effective mechanisms for interaction between science, production and education, develop relevant educational directions and programs for rural settlements, and take into account the national, cultural and environmental components of a particular region. The experience of solving problems in rural areas of China, Japan and Europe is summarized. China’s rural revitalization strategy aims to create a sustainable agricultural economy and stimulate the development of industrial sectors in rural areas. The example of Japan shows the influence of modern information technology tools on the development of rural areas. In the European Union, a common monetary fund has been formed to successfully implement policies in the field of rural areas and support villages in participating countries. It is indicated that in the context of the priority of a healthy lifestyle and increasing population demand for environmentally friendly food and materials, the importance of sustainable development of rural areas will increase.


agriculture, rural areas, integrated sustainable development, rural population, employment, income, quality of life, labor migration, food security, agro-industrial complex, state support

For citation:

Nikolaev O. V., Litvinа N. I., Savichkina N. V. Role of the state in socio-economic development of rural territories. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):107—111. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.981.