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PDF: Author(s): Tereshchenko N. N., Yesina O. N.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article considers the importance and role of the service sector, including trading services in the development of the Russian economy with the determination of the position and importance of service activities in the trade sector of the economy, as well as the main problems of using integrated, differentiated approaches to conducting research in this area of scientific and practical interests. In the article, two main sectors are identified, as part of service operations in trade, depending on the degree and form of transformation of material goods. These two sectors are transformational and transactional. Additionally, a brief description of them, a classification of types of trade services by industry structure is presented. The authors substantiate the main approaches to the implementation of the service, depending on the scope of provision, purpose and results. In the article, the content of service activity is disclosed and the definition of service activity is submitted. It is based on the theory of utility, taking into account the time, place, financial and possession utility. The specific characteristics of service activity in trade are highlighted and substantiated, and the classification of types of service activity according to the main forms of human activity is given. Based on the conducted research, the content of the concept of “service activities” is clarified from the standpoint of results, process, social and client-oriented approaches; the essence of this type of services is considered in the context of three levels of service activities and the main functions of economic, social and environmental services are justified. The article presents the basic principles of services formation in trade, ensuring the complex, systemic nature of the production process, provision and sale of these services to consumers under the influence of a number of factors.


service sector, trade service, service activity in trade, transformational sector, transactional sector, types of service by the sectoral structure of the industry, facility of service activity in trade, functions of service activity, principles of service activity in trade, service as a competitive tool, time to value

For citation:

Tereshchenko N. N., Yesina O. N. Modern approaches to the content of service activities in trade. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):82—88. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.970.