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PDF: Author(s): Chistyakova O. A.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The research is devoted to the consideration of theoretical aspects of sustainable development of consumer cooperation from the perspective of the ecosystem approach. The scientific review of the results of ecosystems research carried out by Russian and foreign scientists is given. It is noted that consumer cooperation organizations by their economic essence fit the category of ecosystem. The essence of the ecosystem approach, its role in the development of consumer cooperation entrepreneurship is disclosed, as well as the characteristic of prerequisites, conditions of emergence and trends in the development of ecosystems in the business of cooperation is presented. The concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems is explored as a symbiosis of competition and cooperation to achieve financial sustainability in order to generate profits for internal needs. Bibliometric analysis was carried out with the help of scientific electronic library Elibrary and Scopus database. The results of the analysis reveal intersection patterns of three areas: entrepreneurship, ecosystems, finance. The six terms were selected and indexed, which affect the aspects of sustainable development of consumer cooperation organizations with strengthening of the financial aspect: “entrepreneurial”; “entrepreneurship”; “finance”; “financial”; “ecosystem”; “ecosystemic”. In the analysis of the dynamics of word combinations it is possible to note a slight excess of the growth rate of the number of works with the terms of entrepreneurship and finance over purely entrepreneurial in 2023 compared to 2010. The research materials determine that the combination of all three types of terms has become a regularity of the last five years. The application of the ecosystem approach to the definition of sustainable development of consumer cooperation organizations allowed us to focus on certain aspects of the functioning of such systems and identify the regularities of their development. Theoretical results are determined by the expansion of fundamental knowledge and ideas about the consequences of ecosystem development in the consumer cooperation system.


sustainable development, consumer cooperation, ecosystem, social sustainability, sustainable growth, cooperative organization, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem, finance, bibliometric analysis

For citation:

Chistyakova O. A. Theoretical aspects of sustainable development of consumer cooperation from the perspective of the ecosystem approach. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):29—38. DOI: 10.25683/ VOLBI.2024.67.943.