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PDF: Author(s): Kulkov R. O., Yuzvovich L. I.,
Number of journal: 2(67) Date: May 2024

The article examines the impact of global trends on the investment strategies of subjects of economic relations on the basis of comparative analytics. The subject of the study is economic relations arising in the process of globalization influence on the formation and implementation of investment strategy by subjects of economic relations. The research methodology includes methods of scientific cognition of socio-economic phenomena: structural-logical, systemic, factorial, as well as detailing and generalization. In today’s dynamic world, where economic and political factors play a key role, investors are faced with a number of issues such as: technological innovation, climate change, demographic shifts and geopolitical changes that have a significant impact on global markets, creating new opportunities and risks for investors. It is important to note that the period from 2022 to 2024 is a key for analyzing investment strategies, since significant changes in the economic and political spheres are expected during this period. A deep understanding of global trends and their impact on investment decisions allows investors to adapt to changing conditions and achieve success amidst instability and uncertainty. The scientific article is devoted to the study of global trends affecting the investment strategies of economic entities and how investors can adapt to changing conditions to achieve a growth trajectory. The result of the study is a factor analysis of the interaction of macroand microeconomic content of the investment strategy within the framework of identifying cause and effect relationships of influence on the success and achievement of financial goals aimed at economic development and improvement of the strategy in accordance with the changing economic environment and structural reorganization of the financial market.


investment strategy, investing, global trends, economic growth, diversification, risk management, innovation, demographic shifts, social change, climate change

For citation:

Yuzvovich L. I., Kulkov R. O. Impact of global trends on investment strategies of economic entities. Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo = Business. Education. Law. 2024;2(67):61—65. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2024.67.955.