Population and banks: retail bank business in Russia

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PDF: Author(s): Goncharov A. I., Goncharova M. V.,
Number of journal: 3(20) Date: August 2012

Bank retail business (retail) is the complex of bank services for the private clients. Domestic banks for a long time underestimated such complex, however, having exhausted the possibility of obtaining profit from other directions of business, banks paid attention on private clients as the suppliers of temporary free funds and potential borrowers The development of retail bank business in Russia is promising not only for the credit organizations, which can increase client base and diversify their activity, but also for populating of the country. Citizens obtain access to the high-quality financial services, at the same time multibillion mass of funds possessing by population can be transformed into the investment resources required for development of the country economy.


complex of bank services, diversification of bank operations, channels of distribution of bank products, remote bank services

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