Legal regulation of THE wildlife management in the Russian Federation (civil aspect)

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PDF: Author(s): Babaitseva E. A., Golovchenko V. E.,
Number of journal: 3(20) Date: August 2012

The article has underlined that the main objective of the civil legislation applicable to the issues of the land plots use is the establishing of the rules and principles with regards to the concept and features of the real estate, the possibility of the turn-over of such objects, protection the rights, transaction validity and etc. The norms of the land law can specify these general rules in the cases specifically stated by the law. In most cases such structure operates well enough. Further the article has reviewed the peculiarities of the civil-legal regulation of the water use, forest use, and the use of mineral resources. The attention has been paid to the collisions of the norms of different industrial purposes that regulate the civil turn-over of the said natural resources; the number of changes has been proposed for incorporation into the legislation.


wildlife management, civil-legal mode, forest use, water use, use of mineral resources, land plot, civil turnover, agreements on production distribution, environment protection, natural object; natural resource

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