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PDF: Author(s): Vezenicheva A. A.,
Number of journal: 3(44) Date: August 2018

The article is devoted to the current problem of axiological approach as a leading factor in improving the process of educating students during the period of pedagogical practice in a modern university. The main content of the study is the substantiation of the essence and significance of the axiological aspect of student pedagogical practice. The article reveals the possibilities of implementing the axiological aspect within the framework of pedagogical practice taking into account pedagogical deontology. The article outlines the view that students in the process of pedagogical practice can master the basic issues of pedagogical deontology related to the formation of the professional activity of the teacher on the basis of fulfilling a professional duty. On the basis of the studies, the author determines the role of the axiological aspect in the process of passing pedagogical practice as a vector to professional activity and interaction with people. The article reveals the content of the concepts «axiology», «axiological potential of the individual», «pedagogical deontology». The author gives generalized characteristic of the peculiarities of pedagogical practice, which must be taken into account when implementing the axiological aspect in the process of its passage. As a research task, the author defined an attempt to identify a set of conditions that is an indicator of the necessary axiological values of pedagogical practice, continuity effectively influencing the preparation of the future teacher, the formation of its axiological potential. The article traces the idea of improving the basic tasks of pedagogical practice, supplementing such a task as rethinking one’s own values by a future teacher, projecting them to the professional sphere. Research materials can be used within the traditional arrangement of pedagogical practice of students increasing the professional growth of the future teacher’s development and his activity in mastering the professional activity.


axiologization, axiological aspect, axiological potential of the individual, implementation, pedagogical practice, values of the activity orientation, future teacher study, student, professional activity, pedagogical deontology, combination of conditions.

For citation:

Vezenicheva A. A. Implementation of axiological aspect in pedagogical practice // Business. Education. Law. 2018. No. 3 (44). P. 397–401. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2018.44.306.