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PDF: Author(s): Budakhina N. L.,
Number of journal: 3(48) Date: August 2019

This article discusses the problem of designing a professionallyoriented educational space when training the undergraduate students in the vocational training (Economics and management). The study reveals the relationship of the components of the educational space, the key elements of the educational environment necessary for the formation and improvement of professional and cultural competencies of students in the format of mutual cooperation of pedagogical University, colleges and business representatives. Social conditions of reality have a huge impact on the manifestation of human activity. The article describes the features of the combination of external and internal motives of modern man in the Russian practice, the manifestation of which can be expressed in achieving financial well-being as a condition of autonomy and self-realization. Orientation to creation of the socially favorable conditions of educational environment as a factor enhancing the internal motivation of student for effective interiorization of entrepreneurial experience has become a determining factor of the work of the department of economics and management of Yaroslavl state pedagogical university named after K. D. Ushinsky. Professional formation of personality is impossible without personal growth, which obliges the educational institution to create conditions and opportunities for it. The article describes the design of three interrelated subject projections, which, according to the definition of V. I. Slobodchikov, make up the educational space: educational environment, educational institutions, and educational processes in the conditions of the professional and pedagogical tasks being solved. The article reveals the relations between the goals of higher education and secondary vocational education as the substantive basis of the regional competition of SAGE entrepreneurial projects. The article presents a model of professionally-oriented educational space, substantiates its effectiveness in achieving the strategic objectives of training and implementation of the competence-based approach in the training of all subjects of the educational process.


educational space, educational environment, mutual cooperation, professional education, competence approach, model of professionally-oriented educational space, entrepreneurial activity, interiorization of experience, socialization, SAGE.

For citation:

Budakhina N. L. Actual issues of design of professionally oriented educational space when training bachelors in economic specialties. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 3, pp. 343–349. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.358.