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PDF: Author(s): Abramova A. A.,
Number of journal: 3(48) Date: August 2019

In this article, the author examines the crime commitment environment as one of the important elements of the criminalistic characteristics of terrorism financing. Financing of terrorism is a socially dangerous act that encroaches on public relations in the area of public security and public order, where the purpose is to provide material and other support to terrorist organizations, lone terrorists, terrorist criminal groups, camps for training and education of terrorists, acts of terrorism, etc. Based on the studied materials considered by the courts of criminal cases on the terrorism financing, the important features of conduct of the perpetrator, selection of the place of crime commitment, and its time frame were established. In this connection, the situation of terrorist financing was studied through the prism of a system of interrelated, interacting and interdependent elements of the actions of the perpetrator in space and time. In addition, the simulated environment of the terrorism financing will allow the investigator to identify, explore cause-and-effect relationship between the method and the tools of funding, the circumstances contributing to the crime commitment, and the relations between the parties (donor and recipient) of the given socially dangerous act. In the work, the author underlined the importance and interrelation of the place and time of terrorist financing. According to the author of this study, the conclusions made in the article can be used by the investigative authorities in the investigation of criminal cases, since the environment of the crime allows identifying the spatial and temporal distribution of the sources of terrorism financing in different administrative entities, the number of episodes committed, as well as to determine the entire circle of persons involved in the crime commitment.


terrorism, terrorist activities, terrorism financing; criminalistic characteristics of the crimes; elements of criminalistics characteristics; envvironment of crime commitment; definition of the crime environment; moral and psychological factors; spatial factors; time factors; practice of investigation of terrorism financing.

For citation:

Abramova A. A. The environment of crime commitment as an element of criminalistic characteristics of terrorism financing. Business. Education. Law, 2019, no. 3, pp. 285–289. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.316.