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PDF: Author(s): Anufrieva D. Yu., Guzenko A. Yu.,
Number of journal: 3(52) Date: August 2020

The article presents one of the complex, multi-level and multi-aspect problems of interaction between an individual and information in the context of its critical understanding. The relevance of this problem is noted due to the presence of a huge number of Internet sites, their saturation with a variety of information of different nature and quality, the possibility of its anonymous placement and use. The definition of critical evaluation of information is formulated as a method of performing actions for critical evaluation of information, which is mastered by the individual, allowing determining its quality. The essence of the process of critical evaluation of information is described as the unity and totality of properties of estimation and critical attitude, which is determined by the individual’s ability to characterize the quality of information by correlating the measurement object with the standard evaluation base (basis), is taken as the unit of measurement and critical approach to the content of information: reliability of source of information, updating of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, etc., determination of consistency of information. The article describes the process of forming the ability to critically evaluate information, which is aimed at development of the cognitive motivation of students to obtain quality information, as reliable and of value to the user at the moment; the readiness to determine the reliability of the source of information (website); author’s authority; the ability to analyze the content of information. The algorithm of action for building skills to critically evaluate information in the Internet is proposed, which planned fulfillment in correct logical sequence is able to ensure acievement of the set goal of critical evaluation of the quality of information.


Internet, information, quality of information, critical thinking, evaluation, ability to critically evaluate information, criteria for the ability to critically evaluate information, formation, process of formation, methods of formation.

For citation:

Anufrieva D. Yu., Guzenko A. Yu. Formation of students’ ability to critically evaluate information on the Internet. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 3, pp. 380–384. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.52.357.