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PDF: Author(s): Belyakov A. C., Gorbachev S. S., Laptev A. I., Svishchev I. D.,
Number of journal: 3(52) Date: August 2020

The article presents an approach to using the influence of visual perception, based on the activation of mirror neurons and the development of an additional form of training sessions. The research paper aims to solve the scientific problem of improving motor training based on the interaction of the analyzer systems of the athlete’s body, that is, creating an image of the action being studied, based on the interaction of the analyzer systems of the athlete’s body, in particular the properties of mirror neurons in the brain. In addition, the authors develop and evaluate additional forms of training sessions, which allows us to move towards solving the contradiction between the load and recovery during the training session. In this paper, the suitability of using an individual-group form of training is determined. Training work in individual-group form — in triples — two perform the action one observes, then change, solves the main contradiction between the current load and overload of the athlete’s heart muscle, which is very important when working with children, and with the elderly when doing physical exercises. Experimental testing was conducted to evaluate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in various forms of training (individual-game and frontal) with the use of heart rate monitoring and spirography. The reaction of the cardiovascular system in the performance of tasks was revealed, which is characterized by a higher intensity of indicators of the cardiovascular system than in the frontal form of training, which has a positive effect on the indicators of training load. The process of rapid recovery of an athlete during a training session is revealed. The associated impact on the analyser systems of the subject includes visual perception, kinesthetic program for mastering motor actions. Against the background of intensive work, rapid recovery occurs during training sessions, as well as the formation of visual perception of movement, based on the activation of mirror neurons in the brain of the watching athlete; this approach contributes to a better development of motor action. According to experts, taking into account such performance criteria as accuracy of action, the rate of performance — quality of learning when working in triples is 15 % higher than with the frontal method of training (with the concordance coefficient indicator 0.68).


movement perception, visual perception, mirror neurons, forms of training, training, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, athletes, individual and group form of training, frontal form of training, heart rate monitoring, spirography.

For citation:

Svishchev I. D., Laptev A. I., Belyakov A. C., Gorbachev S. S. Forms of training courses of athletes for improvement of motor actions taking into account the visual perceptions. Business. Education. Law, 2020, no. 3, pp. 356–362. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.52.312.