PDF: |
Author(s): |
Dorontsev A. V., Dorontseva K. A., Morozova O. V., Zinchuk N. A., |
Number of journal: |
3(52) |
Date: |
August 2020 |
Annotation: |
In the present work, the dynamics of the recovery period of the gymnasts after injuries of the peripheral parts of the upper extremities is studied, which allows determining the stages of restoring the skills of performing complex coordination exercises with the objects depending on the location, nature and severity of the damage. As part of the study, the recovery periods of 7 highly qualified gymnasts aged from 14 to 16 were analyzed. For the study we used official materials of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Regional Medical and Physical Dispensary (OBFD) JSC in Astrakhan, verified diagnoses, medical examinations, the results of functional tests, general and special physical fitness tests, and resumes of practicing trainers. Statistical data processing was carried out using the Statistic 17 application. The research algorithm included determining the current indicators of mastery of complex coordination motor actions with gymnastic objects in the form of an integral composition and execution of risks in a separate format. Stabilization of implementation of the coordinately complex elements (throws, catching gymnastic objects in bundles) was observed in the second half of the recovery period and was directly dependent on the nature and location of the damage of the hands. The study allowed determining the characteristic features of the effective restoration of implementation of the complex coordination elements with the objects using the scale of “Difficulties” of the gymnasts depending on the location and severity of injuries of the peripheral parts of the upper limbs. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the stages of restoring the level of sportsmanship in performance of exercises with objects were determined. The revealed associations of localization of injuries of the distal parts of the upper extremities in working with various gymnastic objects made it possible to form individual algorithms in the structure of educational and training sessions in the recovery period. |
Keywords: |
rythmic gymnastics, highly qualified athletes,
localization of sport injury, distal parts, upper limbs, severity
of injuries, verified diagnosis, recovery period, individual algorithms,
training sessions, sportsmanship skills, “Difficulties”
scale, complex coordination exercises with objects. |
For citation: |
Dorontsev A. V., Zinchuk N. A., Morozova O. V., Dorontseva K. A. Study of restoring the skill of execution of
the complex-ordination elements by rythmic gymnast after injuries of the peripheral upper limbs. Business. Education. Law, 2020,
no. 3, pp. 450–454. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2020.52.326. |