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PDF: Author(s): Karmanova E. S.,
Number of journal: 3(56) Date: August 2021

The article considers the issue of teaching writing in the framework of teaching Chinese at school from the angle of the possibility to achieve formation of cognitive universal learning activities is. In the conditions of the implementation of the new Federal Educational Standards and the increasing popularity of the Chinese language as a second language there is a need for theoretical and practical development of its teaching methods in secondary school. Chinese can be learnt more efficiently and effectively if the teaching is based on universal learning activities. The specificity of Chinese character writing as a special sign system which is logographic and has certain differences from writing systems of the Roman language group is also examined. Cognitive approach to teaching Chinese character writing, which is realized via goal-related teaching of strategies of academic-cognitive actions, is addressed as the most efficient in the comparison to the traditional approach. The scheme presenting the correlation between cognitive processes, cognitive competence and studying action when teaching writing is considered. Types of cognitive processes activated in the process of mastering hieroglyphics are considered, as well as 4 types of assignments the performance of which is realized for each of the presented cognitive processes. The list of cognitive universal learning activities formed within the process of teaching Chinese character writing is clarified and specified. An approach in which the formation of cognitive skills is carried out through the implementation of a system of specially selected academic tasks is proposed. The results of the research are presented in the chart, where the cognitive processes, the classification of assignments within teaching of Chinese character writing and the system of cognitive skills are related. The cognitive universal learning activities formed during the teaching of writing in Chinese are identified.


Chinese language, Chinese character, writing, system of signs, cognitive universal learning activities, cognitive process, cognitive competence, assignment, academic-cognitive activity, cognitive approach.

For citation:

Karmanova E. S. Formation of cognitive universal learning activities in teaching writing in Chinese. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 3, pp. 451—456. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.56.341.