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PDF: Author(s): Lavo R. S., Morozov S. A.,
Number of journal: 3(56) Date: August 2021

The article is devoted to the problems of the content of the subject of educational discipline “Philosophy” in the field of training of musical specialists in universities of culture. An analysis of the content of the subject of the discipline “Philosophy”, taught to students mastering professional educational programs of a musical profile, indicates that the content of the subject of philosophical science in working programs does not actually meet the tasks of general humanitarian professional specialized training in the field of musical art, regardless of the specialization of students. The preservation of the content of the discipline as it existed in the last century is recognized by students as an inevitable part of general humanitarian training, though little related to the future specialty. Abstract didactic units that are important for a humanitarian specialist — a philosopher, historian, political scientist, culturologist, do not correlate much with the educational needs of future specialists in creative specialties. It is possible to update the philosophical aspects of professional music education in the process of revealing the content of one of the applied areas of modern philosophical science — the philosophy of music. The philosophy of music allows you to connect the main laws and categories of philosophical science with the basic principles and categories of the theory and practice of musical art, to reveal the semiotic, axiological and aesthetic potential of musical art in the terminological refraction of philosophical terms and to demonstrate the possibilities of philosophical reflection of musical creativity and performing art. The student learning philosophy of music gains an understanding of the importance of philosophical reflection on various forms of reality, possibilities, means, and limits of personal creative expression by means of music art. The philosophy teacher gets an opportunity not only to present basic philosophical categories in a form accessible and comprehensible to the student, but also to actualize various issues in the course of philosophy in a form of musical art close to the student’s usual discourse.


educational discipline “Philosophy”, content of the subject of Philosophy, universal competencies, musical art, baccalaureate, specialty, verbal, creolized and non-verbal texts, audio text, rhythmized content, semiotics, aesthetics, actual reality.

For citation:

Lavo R. S., Morozov S. A. Content of the subject of philosophy of music at the institute of culture. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 3, pp. 322—327. DO:I 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.56.364.