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PDF: Author(s): Konoplyanskiy D. A.,
Number of journal: 3(56) Date: August 2021

The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the competitiveness of university graduates. Strategic guidelines for the innovative development of Russia determine the main directions of modernization of the higher education system, including at the regional level, which actualized the problem of scientific substantiation of target, theoretical and methodological, substantive, technological, organizational and pedagogical aspects of training competitive university graduates, taking into account the needs of socio-economic development of a particular region, the specifics of the regional labor market, interaction of higher education and employers. The article notes that the basis for determining the areas of activity for the formation of the competitiveness of university graduates are indicators that characterize the regional characteristics of the labor market, taking into account its needs for qualified personnel. When developing the regional aspect of the process of forming the competitiveness of university graduates, the socio-economic (the presence of priority sectors of the region that make up its specialization, their place and role in the socio-economic development of the region; the economic activity of the population) was highlighted and taken into account; single-industry specialization of the regional economy; economically useful enterprises; strengths and weaknesses of the economic complex of the region; analysis of guidelines and alternatives for the development of the regional labor market, the uniqueness of the socio-economic situation of the region, the effectiveness of the use of labor potential, economic differentiation of the region, etc.) and socio-cultural (features of labor behavior and lifestyle in the region, the needs of the individual, the traditional demand and prestige of certain areas of training, etc.) specifics of the regional labor market. The conclusions are drawn that the formation of the competitiveness of university graduates takes place throughout the entire period of training, including professional and personal training of future specialists and depends in a decisive way on the state in which the labor market of the region is located and on the requirements of employers for specialists.


Kemerovo region, higher education, training of specialists, university graduate, formation of competitiveness, methodology of poly-paradigmality, regional labor market, employers, personnel needs, socio-economic and socio-cultural specifics, areas of activity, employment.

For citation:

Konoplyanskiy D. A. The specifics of the regional labor market in the process of forming the competitiveness of university graduates. Business. Education. Law, 2021, no. 3, pp. 479—484. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2021.56.377.