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PDF: Author(s): Shtanko M. Al., Z. B. Tazheva,
Number of journal: 3(60) Date: August 2022

This article contains an analysis of the problem of aesthetic development diagnostics. The authors determine the need for a diagnostic component in the process of modernization of education, as well as the significance and features of the aesthetic development diagnosis in the modern pedagogical space. Special attention is paid to the degree of study of this problem in the modern scientific and pedagogical community. The article characterizes the importance of aesthetic development in changing conditions in the society, the state and the education system, and also formulates the need to rethink the features of the aesthetic development diagnosis. Such a necessity, according to the authors, is due to the fact that the provisions of modern diagnostic methods of aesthetic development are focused on highlighting the levels of aesthetic development without taking into account the peculiarities of modern culture. Highlighting and characterizing the basic provisions and principles of existing diagnostics, the authors determine the need to rethink their results as elements of a worldview that should be adjusted with regard to the existing picture of the world, and not in isolation from it. In this work, special attention is paid to the narrow focus of existing diagnostics and the need to transfer them from the pedagogical to the philosophical space, linking this with the fact that, positioning the levels of aesthetic development of the individual as independent characteristics, it is impossible to adjust it so that it contributes to the full aesthetic development of a person. In the final part of the work, special attention is paid to the shortcomings of aesthetic development diagnostics and the conclusion is made that it is necessary to change the methodological component of aesthetic development diagnostics so as to analyze the features of aesthetic development of the individual in conjunction with other elements of the worldview, and use the diagnostic results subsequently to form aesthetic reality.


aesthetic development diagnostics, aesthetic development, levels of aesthetic development, consciousness, worldview, education, upbringing, aesthetic reality, space of social philosophy, man

For citation:

Shtanko M. A., Tazheva Z. B. Diagnostics of aesthetic development: new accents. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 3, pp. 336—339. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.60.320.