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PDF: Author(s): K. M. Smorodina, Mudrova E. B., Tanina A. V.,
Number of journal: 3(60) Date: August 2022

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of employee motivation, including the use of the achievements of modern theories in building a motivation system of civil servants in the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical provisions on the system of personnel motivation. Comparative analysis and systematization made it possible to establish, on the one hand, continuity between classical and modern theories of motivation, on the other, a tendency to take into account ideological features in the motivation of such a professional group as civil servants. The modern development of classical ideas about personal motivation adds methods of personalized influence on employees to the arsenal of managers. However, the analysis of the Methodology of non-material motivation of state civil servants proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Methodology) shows that it does not rely on factors that identify personal characteristics of motivation, it does not take into account factors in the motivational profile of a civil servant that determine his organizational commitment, it does not propose to determine the severity of professional identification. Modern motivational theories find these aspects essential for ensuring the effective and efficient work of civil servants. Applying the method of building a profile of labor motivation for students in the field of training “State and municipal administration”, we identified the leading motives of labor behavior of potential civil servants. These include: the possibility of achieving work results, having independence in decision-making, career opportunities, material well-being. Public service is not among leading motives. Modern theories have proved the influence of prosocial motivation on the quality of a civil servant’s work. Therefore, it is proposed to consider the Methodology as a basis for organizing a motivation system in a state agency, and to eliminate the imbalance of the elaboration of “hygienic” factors and motivators in the civil service, to supplement it with tools for diagnosing and evaluating motivation based on the achievements of modern theories. The conducted research may be of interest to both staff motivation researchers and managers, personnel services of public authorities to expand the range of methods of non-material motivation of employees.


state civil servant, civil servant, motivation, motivation theory, motivational factors, cognitive dissonance theory, attribution theory, self-determination theory, flow theory, motivation system, non-material motivation methodology

For citation:

Mudrova E. B., Smorodina K. M., Tanina A. V. Consideration of modern motivational theories in the motivation system of civil servants. Business. Education. Law, 2022, no. 3, pp. 106—114. DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.60.347.