Population and banks: the crediting of the INDIVIDUALS

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PDF: Author(s): Goncharov A. I., Goncharova M. V.,
Number of journal: 4(21) Date: November 2012

Credits for the citizens are the most demanded retail operations of the Russian banks. In the last decade the domestic banks have been given special attention to this business; on the one hand, the indicated operations are the basic source of the banks profit; on the other hand, the demand of private clients for the credit bank products is steadily growing. The further development and improvement of the crediting of the individuals has fundamental value, both for the commercial banks and for the population, who uses the credit mechanism for satisfaction of the growing needs, as a result of which the production facilities and the trade companies obtain effective demand for the produced goods, performed activities, rendered services, as well as the financial possibilities for development.


: bank credit, repayment, secured credit, mortgage, auto-crediting, consumer credit, percent, pledge, guarantee, commercial bank

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