Quintessence of educational course of development of methodological competence of the post-graduate students: methodology of search for the object, subject and the issue of the dissertation research

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PDF: Author(s): Kozubtsov I. N.,
Number of journal: 4(25) Date: November 2013
Annotation: The article has examined the brief course of the methodology for searching for the object, subject and the issues of dissertation research. A course is intended to form and develop methodological competence of the post-graduate students by means of application of the problematic algorithm. Development success can be achieved only by means of application of the problematic algorithm together with the practical aspect in the course of the scientific-pedagogical practical activity. The way of achievement is provided in explanations of the methodology to the first-year post-graduate students. Definitely, the practicing post-graduate student shall consciously comprehend the methodology, which will greatly depend on the methodically helpful assistance of the scientific supervisor. Practice and results will come.

methodology, formation, development, methodological competence, post-graduate student, scientific supervisor, thesis research, scientific-pedagogical practice, education, scientific branch

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